Thursday, June 12, 2008

I always did like CNN

I'm actually excited to see what they have in store. Here are a few reasons why:
  • It's NOT being aired during Black History Month (i.e. not falling victim to politically correct ethno-sensitive pandering)
  • CNN has a rack of negroes working for them
  • CNN is based out of Atlanta, the Chocolate City of the new millenium (not sure if it counts for much, but it's gotta count for something)
  • It's the only 24-hour news network that seems to understand the true role of the press, to investigate and report the news, with as little bias as possible.
  • And I just like the fact that they had the balls to put out a special entitled "Black in America." A title as inclusive as that will make it an immediate target for criticism. Niggas is never happy and always ready to complain to somebody about something. If they show too many convicts, somebody'll say "Not all niggas is locked up! Niggas be goin to school too!" If they show too many doctors, somebody'll say, "Not all niggas is doctors! Niggas still suffering under a racist hegemonic structure!"
It takes guts to be a major white media outlet and put yourself out there like that, cuz if they eff up, they might have to start giving specials to Al and Jesse just to make up for it.

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